Goal Alumni


Dr. Abhishek (GOAL 1998 Batch)
MBBS (Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi)
PG (Lady Harding Medical College, Delhi)
DM - Neurology (AIIMS, New Delhi)
Presently working as a Doctor in Paras Hospital, Patna


"I always dreamt about serving the society and then I choose Medical as my Career. I joined GOAL and dedicated my all time for the preparation of Pre-Medical exams under Guidelines of GOAL Institute.

The question paper of GOAL AITS, which were very identical to that of AIPMT, helped me a lot to make my dream come true and secure 25th Rank.

After serving at AIIMS, Delhi I decided to serve my state and help the people of Bihar.

Best of luck to all the aspirants of AIIMS."



Dr. Anurag (GOAL 1999 Batch)
MBBS (Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi), USMLE (US)
Presently working as a Doctor in United States of America


"I always wanted to bring respect and recognition for myself and my family. In search for this I choose medical as my career. I started my preparation under the roof of GOAL Institute where I got at most are during my Goal Hostel Life. Apart from result oriented Superb Guidelines I was provided everything an aspirant needed at the time of preparation. Test and discussion conducted in hostel was the unique activity of Goal which was the reason behind my fast improvement.

I thank to Goal for what I achieved in my career.

being a Doctor has not only given me recognition in society but also an adventurous life.

All the Best to all the aspirants of Medical."



Dr. vivek (GOAL 2000 Batch)

MBBS (Neel Ratan Sarkar Medical College, Kolkata)
Currently Working as Medical Professional in CANADA


"I come from a middle class background where stability in life is first priority. For the preparation of PMT's I opted Goal where I was provided the Superb Guidelines, Highly competitive approach and best possible personal care which proved to be the supportive hand through which I got the best what ever I could get according to my talent. I will be always thankful to GOAL for whatever I am in my life.

After I cracked my medical Entrance Exam. I never looked back. Luckily I choose a career that not only gave high stability but also a good lifestyle.

My best wishes to all the aspirants of Medical."


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